Customer cases | Tracelink
Stories from different Tracelink users

Read about the workflow and use of Tracelink by different customer types

Customer cases

We write annual customer cases about our customers' use of Tracelink to give our readers an insight into how our customers use Tracelink in their daily work. There are several ways and approaches to work in Tracelink.

August 2024

Brøndum Steel installs load-bearing structures, which must be checked and approved based on the DS 1140 standard. It requires both time and resources to complete the necessary reports so that they comply with the requirements. We have therefore developed a module that aims to ease that workload.

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Audiovox logo

January 2024

Audiovox produces hearing protectors for several different purposes; sleep, music, motorsport and pedagogy, etc. The hearing protectors are molded 1-to-1 to your ear, so they fit your ear like a glove. This means great variation in product, which is why Audiovox uses Tracelink's "Decision Tree" to create orders for customers.

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August 2023

The Elkjær group is a car paint and damage workshop. When the customer delivers their car to the workshop, they can borrow a car from the Elkjægruppen. We have developed new functions in our Form module so that the Elkjær group can create digital loan car contracts and, among other things, get the customer's signature on the contract.

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August 2023

Minimize your water waste in the bathroom with the help of sensors. Aguardio produces sensors that can either detect spills in toilets or reveal your time spent in the shower. For this, Aguardio uses Tracelink for e.g. to keep track of how much is in stock and what is reserved for customers. This helps them to deliver the goods more easily and quickly.

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Sustainable heat pumps
October 2022

Fenagy has developed a ground-breaking technology within heat pumps and cooling systems, which has gained great popularity in connection with the green transition, and which is currently in high demand due to the high gas and electricity prices.

Tracelink has helped them manage production, so that the overview is maintained, the materials are easily found in the warehouse, and so that purchases are made easily and quickly.

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MS UniTek

From paper & pen
May 2022

Unfortunately for MS UniTek, they didn't get it right the first time they were looking for a production management IT solution to replace their excel and paper system.

Fortunately, they quickly found Tracelink.

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True Gum
Traceable production
April 2022

In a climate-affected world, plastic-free chewing gum has gained air under its wings.

The revolutionary chewing gum started as a product at home in the kitchen of the four Danish founders, and is now a worldwide chewing agent.

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Modern American Recycling Services
Modern American Recycling Services
November 2021

In Frederikshavn is one of Europe's largest recycling sites. Here there is capacity for recycling on a large scale.
The company M.A.R.S. Europe A/S works sustainably with the breakdown, sorting and resale of the parts from the sea's largest workplaces.

Tracelink is on the exciting journey!

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Tom Rossau

Juni 2021

Lampeproducent Tom Rossau bruger Lagerudviklingen til styring af produktionen af håndlavede designlamper.

Rapportmuligheder og styringsfunktioner er med til at sikre, at der hele tiden er balance mellem salg, produktion og ressourcer.

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January 2021

The Elkjær group decided in the autumn to move their production management from the platform Apromas to Tracelink and since the turn of the year they have been using the new solution.

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January 2020

On a rainy, cloudy winter day in Denmark, one might be led to think that street lighting powered by sunlight is a bit uphill... Nevertheless, that is exactly what the Aarhus company Suncil does; produces street lamps with lighting powered by solar cells. But okay, unsurprisingly, it is mostly about exports.

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September 2019

Phønix Tag Energi designs, supplies and assembles complete solar cell systems for roof structures for both private customers and businesses.

"It's been important for us to have an easy-to-use system - both in the office and for our installers."
Morten Elsborg, Sales Manager Phønix Tag Energy

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April 2019

Brøndum Stål is a steel company with its own design studio. 40 men are engaged in tasks within building steel and machine structures. Among other things. Brøndum has supplied steel to the new Moesgaard Museum.

When Brøndum Stål initially purchased a subscription to Tracelink, it was a matter of compliance with the requirements of EN 1090.

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October 2018

In the fall of 2017, Pro-wood faced an upgrade of Navision, which would cost over half a million. Alternatively, another solution should be found.

The choice fell on Tracelink with integration into e-conomic at a fraction of the price of Navision. During a number of meetings, the need for a number of adjustments was clarified and after a short development process, Pro-Wood started a test course.

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June 2018

DYMATEC currently uses the system Tracelink to manage production, while sales and finances are in e-conomic.

The two systems, which are fully integrated, keep track of the company's business from the time an order goes in and until it is invoiced.

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