Collaborating partners | Tracelink
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Tracelink collaborates with a number of companies and organizations that contribute to increasing the value of our functionality


We have partners who, as advisers, can help our customers in various industries to set up Tracelink just right, so that maximum value is achieved; and partly we have partners who have digital solutions that complement Tracelink - for which we therefore offer integration.


Tracelink, in collaboration with Visma - e-conomic has created a solution where Tracelink is fully integrated with e-conomic. This means that i.a. product index, customer database and invoice data are shared by the two systems. By using the integration between the two systems, information flow between office staff and production people becomes much more fluid, with less risk of errors and greater efficiency in the processes.

Furthermore, through dealers, Tracelink has created integrations for e.g.: Microsoft C5, Microsoft Navision or Nav and Microsoft Business Central.


If you need help converting your old accounts to e-conomic, we recommend eKontoret and e-Konsulenten, both of whom have extensive experience with conversions to and adaptations of e-conomic.

ERP consultancy

Zillion Consulting Group advises large companies that are looking to upgrade their business with an IT system - including Tracelink.


Together with a number of partners, we have created a solution where delivery notes and certificates for purchased materials are automatically delivered from the wholesaler's order system and read directly into our customers' Tracelink archive. This automatically achieves traceability without additional work. On the content side, in the steel industry we have a collaboration with the wholesalers: Lemvigh-Müller, Hatten Gruppen, Sanistål, Tibnor, Brdr. Kier, Boldsen and PAJO Bolts.

DS 1140 advice

In collaboration with Flemming Kristensen from Kristensen & Partners we have developed a solution to handle the necessary documents and reports for correct documentation and control of DS 1140. The solution includes a start-up process which is agreed and managed by Kristensen & Partners.


With Tracelink's solution for the automotive industry, you can have your Forsi paint orders and Eurotax paint calculations linked directly to the orders in Tracelink.

Together with Autobranchen Danmark we have concluded a benefit agreement, why you, as member of Autobranchen Danmark, can access a number of exclusive benefits in your Tracelink subscription.

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