Among other things. Brøndum has delivered and fitted approx. 200 tons of steel, as well as stairs and shelters for Viborg's new Emergency Hospital.
"We needed a system to control the traceability of our building steel production without it becoming an excessive investment," says Lars Trankjær, director of Brøndum Stål.

"It's been an important goal for me,
that we could collect all digital
registrations in one system,"
Lars Trankjær, Director Brøndum Stål

"It's been an important goal for me,
that we could collect all digital
registrations in one system,"
Lars Trankjær, Director Brøndum Stål
"In the past, we spent a great deal of time getting all the documents in thick binders," says Lars Trankjær, "now we can remove the folders and at the same time save a lot of paper and time."
Time Tracking
However, it soon became apparent that Tracelink's toolbox contained a lot more that Brøndum Stål could use. What came first was time registration - partly in relation to post-calculation of the orders and partly for salary calculation. Brøndum Stål is part of the Brøndum Group and is therefore subject to the Group's payroll administration. Both hourly and salaried employees have the possibility of hourly case management in Tracelink and for the hourly employees the registrations are used for calculating salary.
Likewise, the order management system is used from order creation to billing basis. “Previously, we had many different forms in Excel and Word, which were difficult to keep up to date,” explains Lars Trankjær, “but now all our forms are created as forms in TraceLink, which means that everyone uses the correct form for the right function - eg. for order confirmation, delivery notes, check forms, etc. - It is really only the imagination that sets the limit. "
“It has been an important goal for me that we could combine all digital registrations into one system,” explains Lars Trankjær, “we can now do that in Tracelink. It's simple and effective. "
Finally, there is Tracelink's dashboard, which gives the production managers the large chromed overview. Instead of endless rows of ring binders filled with delivery notes stating batch numbers and certificates for the steel used on the individual orders, the production managers have a simple status picture on production; how far are we with the individual orders and keeping the budget?
Well, then we forgot to say that Brøndum also uses Tracelink's CRM module to manage the bidding and sales processes. And they also use the system for tool management; they keep track of when the tool is being inspected and keep track of the condition. But that's another story.
In short, today, Brøndum Stål uses much of all Tracelink's functionality and thus has a system that contributes to a production with efficient management and planning with extensive documentation of the work - without paper and handwritten notes.
April 2019