
On a rainy, cloudy winter day in Denmark, one might be tempted to believe that street lighting powered by sunlight is a bit uphill… Nevertheless, this is exactly what the Aarhus business Suncil does; produces street lamps with solar-powered lighting. But okay, not surprisingly, there is predominantly export. To the Middle East, in California and other places where there is plenty of sunshine hours.

Tracelink requires good discipline, but in return we get reliable delivery times to our customers, so we ensure that they get their street lights at the agreed time. It has a big impact on us,

says Lars Bjørn.

Typically, the street lamps consist of aluminum masts with an inlet of cabling, electronics and batteries, covered with solar panels and with a light source at the top. The components are purchased and assembled in Denmark, from where they are packaged and shipped to the destination.

"We need to keep track of many things, in order to deliver the right solutions on time," explains Suncil's director Lars Bjørn. “When we receive an order, we must check via bill of materials that we have all the components we need and alternatively we must have sent purchase orders with reliable expectations for delivery - and we must know if we have available production capacity. We have that overview in Tracelink.

Suncil's sunlight in the night dark.


Suncil product has its own part number created in e-conomic. When a product is added to a product line on an e-conomic sales order, Tracelink turns into a bill and a route through production. The bill is used as a pick list for the warehouse and the route books the necessary resources in production. Therefore, it is easy to see if the necessary components are in stock and if there is available capacity until a delivery date.

If there are components that are not in stock, they are ordered via Tracelink's purchasing module. Here, all Suncil's components are registered with one or more suppliers and associated supplier item numbers and expected delivery times. As production grows, it becomes crucial that Tracelink keeps track of production plans.

Tracelink requires good discipline, but in return we get reliable delivery times to our customers, so we ensure that they get their street lights at the agreed time. It has a big impact on us,” says Lars Bjørn.

Order templates

Each supplier has a purchase order template, which makes it easy to prepare purchase orders sent via email. Once the order has been shipped, the status of the purchase can be monitored, the goods can be received (partially received) and the e-conomic financial system can be automatically updated with a stock value and costs due.

"Once we have mastered the planning, our next challenge is that we want to know exactly what each street lamp contains - ie traceability for service and support purposes," Lars Bjørn explains.

Task planning in daily production.


The solution is that Tracelink gives each lamp a serial number and then stock picking etc. is registered not only for the specific order, which may consist of 100 lamps, but on the single lamp with a unique serial number.

"So if we use solar panels or other electronics from different batches from our supplier on an order, we know exactly which batches are used on which masts," explains Lars Bjørn.

In addition to registering the stock pick, Suncil's employees also make sure to document the production, so you can always see what the loading of a mast looked like when shipping. In this way, it is not only the production of the lamps that is streamlined, but also the subsequent service and maintenance.

In the long term, we will probably move some of our production closer to our markets, but at that time Tracelink just moves along. So we can continue here from Aarhus to ensure that we still deliver high quality on time,” concludes Suncil's CEO with a smile.

January 2020