
In an industrial district on the outskirts of Odder south of Aarhus, Kim Mildahl runs the company Pro-Wood ApS. The machine shop produces furniture components and is a subcontractor for a large number of Danish furniture manufacturers.

Until a year ago, Kim Mildahl tried to maintain a certain overview of his production with an older version of Navision and a lot of spreadsheets. It was time consuming and yet did not at all provide a satisfactory overview of the conditions in production. “ When it works, it's a good skiing system. But it got completely sandy in the end and I couldn't even run a needs calculation, "Kim tells of the recent time with Navision.

One of the challenges for Pro-Wood is that the company has grown out of the physical environment. The actual production takes place at the address on Rønhøjvej in Odder, but in addition Pro-Wood has had to rent for extra storage space and packaging at other addresses in the area. After all, it is not conducive to the overview and places extra demands on inventory management.

The carpentry company Pro-Wood produces furniture components.

From Navision to Tracelink

In the fall of 2017, Pro-Wood faced an upgrade of Navision, which would cost over half a million. Alternatively, another solution should be found. The choice fell on Tracelink with integration into e-conomic at a fraction of the price of Navision. During a number of meetings, the need for a number of adjustments was clarified and after a short development process, Pro-Wood started a test process that led to a commissioning. The change took place quite smoothly, although of course a little getting used to. “ In the beginning, many people said they couldn't see it. It wasn't like what they were used to, ”Kim says. “But as people have tried it, they think it's damn good! They can go in and search for a specific customer, the items they need, or whatever search criteria they set up. So they really use it a lot and are happy about it! "

Customers' orders are registered in e-conomic, from where they are transferred to Tracelink and created as orders - one order per. order line in the order. The order is specified as a bill and route via an order template, where Pro-Wood has stored a template in each Tracelink for each item number. In this way, a part number automatically becomes a bill and a series of tasks to be performed. Pro-Wood has created more than 500 templates and more are coming - up to 50 a week.

Tasks and routes

For Pro-Wood, Tracelink's routes and tasks are one of the most important things; Kim responds promptly when asked to point out the best thing about Tracelink; “The simplicity of Tracelink, it's easy to use. And then the work processes that are in Tracelink. That there is a task up to him who needs it. The fact that people can access all the information from their task; can go in and see a drawing, can see a description or what is now attached. "And, Kim adds," We're getting better and better at using the system. Now, for example, we attach the delivery note to the order so that it will not be printed until it is used. To better control it. Previously, it was gone and might need to be reprinted. "

The routes and job descriptions make production more efficient. " I can feel that there are not so many questions from the employees anymore," Kim says. “In the past, they could well have placed an order, and if I had not just received any information, they would have to find me and ask. Today I have written all the information into the templates and then they have access to it as soon as they open their tasks. So now it says exactly what to do. "


From the bill of lading to an order you can immediately see if you have the necessary raw materials. Tracelink's inventory keeps track of a few hundred commodity types and even more commodity item numbers, which are managed with batch information. Because of the space challenges, it is crucial that Tracelink can see what it has and where it is located. And when you have complete control over the materials, you can start planning the production in a calendar that gives an overview of the occupancy rate of various machines and of available employees.

Resource planning at Pro-Wood shown in Tracelink.

The process of production itself can be followed by operators of the various machines marking tasks in the route as started and completed as the process progresses.

When all the tasks have been completed - last but not least packing and then shipping, the order can be marked as completed. When all production orders related to a kind order have been completed, the order in e-conomic is converted into an invoice which is sent to the customer.

Tracelink assures Pro-Wood that all sales orders are easily and efficiently turned into production orders - and that there are always the materials available to use. The related tasks can be entered into a resource calendar so that you can easily plan and oversee production - and ensure that the company delivers on time.

October 2018