DYMATEC ApS currently uses the system Tracelink to manage production, while sales and finances are in e-conomic. The two systems, which are fully integrated, keep track of the company's business from the time an order goes in and until it is invoiced.
“Our customers typically order the same items over and over again,” says Kell Jürgensen, who is IT manager at DYMATEC. “We have the drawings lying around and needed a system that, based on the product lines on a sales order, could generate a production order with billing and route specification. We have now. Each time we receive an order for a certain number of units, Tracelink creates a bill of materials consumption which is immediately reserved in the warehouse. At the same time, the system is booking time on the machines included in the route."
The individual operator thus has a clear overview of which tasks are queued for the machines he is responsible for and he can further see how far the order is on the machines ahead of the route. This makes it much easier to plan the work and the timestamps allow the operator to constantly see if he is following the schedule. "In this way, we can continuously assess whether we keep the price calculated," explains Kell Jürgensen.
When work on a new order starts, the reserved raw materials are picked up in the warehouse, the reservation disappears and the amount of available materials is automatically counted down so it is easy to manage material purchases. In Tracelink, the raw materials are registered with batch information. This means that DYMATEC can easily provide traceability information to the customer to the extent required.
When an order is finished, it is packaged and shipped and then marked as completed. This automatically creates an invoice record which DYMATEC's finance department can then send to the customer and post. In other words, working cards on paper will end, which will disappear and at best delay the invoicing.
“Our order administration has been greatly simplified,” concludes Kell Jürgensen, “and we are convinced that our production has thereby become more efficient. Our employees have a high level of professional skills that ensures high quality products, and now we have an IT system that ensures better handling of customer orders and gives us an even healthier business.”
A little funny note is that Dymatec's time recording does not actually calculate the employees' time consumption, but merely records the time of each machine on each task.
June 2018