Production planning
Run a more efficient, flexible and cost-effective production with a digital management system. Production planning is essential to maximize productivity, minimize costs and meet customer demand.


Production planning is the process of planning, organizing and controlling all activities involved in the manufacture of a company's products. To ensure that production is done efficiently and meets the necessary quality standards and delivery times, it includes the coordination of resources such as raw materials, labor, machinery and time.


Tracelinks Production planning typically contains the following modules:

Capacity planning

Order management creates the foundation for planning production and maintaining an overview of resources in the form of both employees and machines, so that you increase your efficiency and make better use of capacity and resources. Together with warehouse management, you can monitor warehouse processing and consumption of goods, as well as ensure timely purchases for the warehouse, so that bottlenecks are more easily avoided.

Route planning

Efficient production requires good task planning with setting up routes. With the system's various calendars, it is easy to put orders in the calendar, book resources and delegate tasks necessary to fulfill the order.

Tools, machines & maintenance

Get a comprehensive overview of your tool, so you always know who borrowed it, when it was used, and on which project. You can also see when the tool or machine needs to be inspected and whether it has been calibrated before the deadline according to current regulations. It is easy to make lists incl. status, so that you can document that you are using equipment that has been approved.

Salary, driving & time

Via app on mobile/tablet, the employee can register the start of the working day, possibly breaks and the end of work. Start/stop registrations form data for salary calculation.

The employee can also record time spent on a task. As an administrator of the system, you thereby get a precise picture of the time spent on an order, which can then be invoiced and evaluated in a post-calculation.


Many companies experience that authorities or customers demand documentation of which materials are included in production - regardless of whether it is due to health/food and safety, environmental concerns, durability or other relationship. With Tracelink you have traceability – regardless of whether you need individual labeling or batch management of the warehouse.

Quality control & documentation

Quality control makes it easy to monitor the quality of each production order. By documenting the processes linked to production, you can see where the quality can be improved. For example you can put documents, forms or pictures on the orders, which e.g. tells something about the condition of the raw materials/components upon receipt of goods.

Transparency in production

Better use of capacity and resources

Increase efficiency, deliver orders on time

Control and tool calibration


Since it is possible to choose modules from time to time, you help to put your own stamp on your solution. Therefore, the price depends on the solution we arrive at together.

Finally get in touch with us so that we can look at your specific needs and calculate a price that matches the final solution.

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Hang on, I'm so glad we switched to Tracelink!
The whole thing just playing, and it's damn smart, all you can do.

MS UniTek logo
Martin Sørensen, Director, MS UniTek

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