Purchasing linked to order and inventory | Tracelink


Tracelink Purchase allows you to make purchases for your warehouse. You can easily get an overview of what purchases you have in progress, sent and received.

When you receive a purchase, you hold it against the purchase order you have sent and then record the number (possibly batch number) and where you subsequently place the individual purchases in your warehouse.

Main Features

Tracelink Purchase gives you:
  • Supplier directory, with primary supplier on each item
  • Sending e-mail with order to the supplier's address
  • Status of each purchase
  • Receipt and registration of purchases for storage location, batch, etc.
  • Integration for e-conomic for supplier invoice

A screenshot of Tracelink's purchase module.

Here you see an example of Tracelink's purchasing module.

Read more about Tracelink Stock, Finance Integrations or Tasks.