--> Events | Tracelink


Tracelink can give various warnings / messages when a number of events occur in Tracelink.

A message can e.g. be that an order is complete or that a minimum level of a stock item is critical. The messages can be sent out to the recipient as email, SMS, push message (on mobile), or simply as a notification in Tracelink.

Main Features

Tracelink Events gives you:
  • Automatically send messages at various events
  • Fully configurable what the message should contain and who should have the message
  • The message can be email, SMS, push, or info in Tracelink
  • External customers can be notified of their order

Ascreenshot of the event module in Tracelink.
A notification on the mobile.

Send direct message

It is also possible to send direct messages from Tracelink to one or more employees' mobile phones. This can easily be communicated to one of the employees.

A screenshot of the event module in Tracelink.
A direct message on the mobile.