
Service module

The service module helps you keep an overview of your maintenance and service history on the machines/plants you rent or sell, on which you regularly carry out service inspections.

Do you carry out monthly/annual inspections on a leased facility to ensure its operation, or do you carry out service visits on a sold machine that may has stopped working, you would probably like to be able to see an overall overview of the service visits that have been made. To make that work easier, you can save all information related to your service visit in Tracelink.

Service Order

First you create all the machines and plants you are doing service visits on. In this connection, you can set up reminders for inspections, so that the person who has to carry out the inspection receives an email when it is time for an inspection. Once the machine or plant has been created, you can create your service orders and associate the machine.

Service Log

Everything that is done on the service orders of journals, pictures and associated items is transferred to the machine's service log, where you can get a quick overview of what has happened from service visits to the machine.
An example of a service log.

October 2024

Get started

The module is quick to set up and easy to use. Once the module is enabled in your account, you can use the following guide to get started Tutorial: Service (in Danish). Contact Tracelink Support if you want to purchase the Service module.