

If you have storage, you also need to fill up the shelves. And you probably know the experience of standing in the goods reception and thinking; "Is it something we ordered?" Or "wasn't it something else we ordered?"

You may also need an overview of:

  • who has ordered?
  • the list of the different suppliers for comparison with invoices received
  • what goods are ordered with what expected delivery times?
  • what orders are goods ordered for?
  • what orders have been placed over time for a given supplier?
  • Are there any orders received - or maybe only partially delivered?

In addition, you may need to regularly adjust the inventory value of an account in your financial system. To systematize the process and minimize the amount of errors, we have created a procurement module that makes it easier to manage the procurement process - both for the buyer, the goods receipt and the bookkeeper.

Supplier database

To make a purchase, of course, you need to know what you want to buy and where you want to buy it. The latter we manage in a supplier database where you can register agreed prices and delivery terms - and can save order forms individually for each supplier.

In the supplier database you can also quickly get an overview of all purchases made by the individual supplier, as well as details of each purchase.

A purchase is created as a purchase order with a number of shopping lines. The order is created, sent, received and completed - and with color codes it is easy to see how far in the process the order is. In this way, it is easy for the buyer, the goods receipt and the bookkeeping to see how far the order is. When a lot is received, the associated item lines are marked as received - possibly. stating location whereby Tracelink's inventory is automatically counted.

If you edit the cost when you receive the supplier's order confirmation, the inventory value is calculated based on the actual cost price updated when the item is registered as received.

Purchases can also be included in an order template, so that the sale of certain item numbers automatically leads to the creation of purchases.

October 2018