Order Load
In the order calendar, you can form an overview of whether you have enough capacity to cover your order needs - based on available employee capacity and the production time of your orders. When everything is set up, the load can be seen in the order calendar using colored percentage signs that represent the utilization percentage, i.e. whether there is or isn't enough capacity.
The calculation is based on available employee capacity specified in the Work calendar, as well as Start/end dates and Estimated hours on orders.
Before you can get started, the Work Calendar must be set up. Read more in the guide here, which also explains how to use order load for capacity planning:
Procedure (in short)
- It is important that you indicate Start date, End date and Estimated hours on all your orders. Otherwise you will not get a reliable calculation.
- As an administrator, you must manually enter the Work calendar and register how many days/weeks your employees are at work.
- After that, by going into Orders → Calendar quickly form an overview of whether your needs are covered by looking at the bar with green/red percentages.
- Green means you have free capacity.
- Red means you are short of employee hours.

July 2023