
New from the toolbox

As usual, we are expanding the toolbox all the time. Here you can read about some of the most important new features of Tracelink.

Here you can read about some of the most important new features of Tracelink:

Automatic status change on orders

If you use order template and route management in production, you can set the template so that when a particular task ends, the order status automatically changes.

Upload photos for orders from photo albums on the phone

If you have photos in your photo album on your phone, you can now easily transfer them to Tracelink. Our mobile app has simply got a new feature Add photos to order from albums which loads the photos.

As you can read below, you can always email pictures and documents directly into an order.

Emails to order

It is now possible to send emails to an order in Tracelink. It's super simple - send email to {customer number} and specify with # order no. in the subject field of the order in question.

If there are attachments to your emails, they will of course also be stored on the order.

Email notification of tool checking

You can now choose to receive an e-mail before checking tools or machines. And you decide who should receive the email and how many days before checking, the email should be sent.

Print with control panel template

If you have a habit of working primarily in the control panel, you can now print template selection from an order selected via the control panel.

Purchases via the QR code

If you have marked up your stock items with QR codes, it is now possible to place a purchase order for that product by scanning the QR code.

Selection of e-conomic products visible to employees

Some companies need employees to place e-conomic goods on an order, but at the same time there may be a desire for employees to see only a limited range of goods for one reason or another. If you are in the same situation, visibility can now be controlled via product groups.

October 2018