I løbet af efteråret afholder vi en række korte webinarer (af ca. 30 minutters varighed), som fokuserer på udvalgte arbejdsprocesser, som kan effektiviseres med brug af Tracelink.
Tirsdag 20. oktober kl. 13: Produktion til færdigvarelager med styklister
Onsdag 4. november kl. 13: Ordreproduktion direkte til kunden med styklister
Torsdag 19. november kl. 13: Brug af kontrolpanelet - tips og tricks
Control with handbooks
When it comes to documenting and checking work permits and security, the handbook module is the most efficient module we have in Tracelink. The handbook module gives you a quick overview of whether procedures have been followed when they need to be checked by the authorities.
An example of a handbook.
Companies can often find themselves in a situation where the legislation means that the management has to document that a specific employee is allowed to use a particular machine, or that safety documents have been read by a specific employee before use. The handbook module is the perfect tool for this.
In Tracelink's handbook module, you can share everything from guides and instructions to ISO documentation and certifications of procedures, tools or machines - and you decide for yourself which of your employees should have access to the documents. You can thereby check that the documents are only visible to relevant employees and are not shown to unauthorized persons.
Get complete control of the documentation
The documentation in the handbook module can both concern instructions and permission to handle machines, chemicals and tools, but can also deal with standard procedures for quality assurance of production. Eg. many companies would like to minimize the number of accidents in the workplace. Other companies would like to be able to document that their finished products comply with certain production standards. Therefore, it is essential to be able to go back and read attached documents or information in a journal.
With the handbook's journal, you can form an overview of all actions that have been taken on the documentation. It can, for example, be that the document has been revised and a new version has become available that requires a new review by staff. Or the document has been released and a notification has been sent to users. All actions that are taken for the documentation (instructions or other) in the handbook become visible in the journal as well as the associated date and time. At the same time, it is possible to add comments or notes.
An example of the handbook's journal.
If the employee is not ready to confirm that he or she has read the safety document, guidance or quality procedure the first time he or she sees it, he or she can go back at another time to confirm that the entire document has been read through. In the overview, you can thus quickly see which of the employees have both seen AND confirmed that they have read the document; as well as which version.
An example of seen and confirmed read.
Why use the handbook module?
The handbook module in Tracelink makes it super easy for you, as the person responsible for safety or quality, to prove to authorities that current employees have read relevant documents that are required by law for either the safety of the company or the quality assurance of the finished goods.
If the inspectorate comes to check up, then you as the person in charge do not need to go and question the individual employee to verify that he or she e.g. is allowed to handle one or more of the machines. With a few clicks, you can access the information directly in Tracelink and get confirmation that the person is entitled to use the machine or machines.
Yes, and it may also be that you just need to share the program for the summer party or next week's canteen menu ;-) . The handbook module can be used as a safety handbook, quality handbook, personnel handbook and much more.