
Process diagrams, flowcharts, swimlanes

Whatever word we use for this type of diagram, diagrams are not just a tool intended for system developers or multimedia designers.

The diagrams do not have to be complicated either to draw or to use. Investing a bit of time in thinking about workflows and getting some of them on the drawing board will advance the understanding of task flows.

In Tracelink, users can draw their own process diagrams

At Tracelink, we work every day with the implementation and digitization of work processes at industrial and production companies throughout Denmark.

We know that there are many advantages to using process diagrams as a common starting point for a dialogue about work processes. Especially in industrial companies with many manual tasks and with knowledge that is not always written down on paper, but something that the individual employee "simply remembers". We often include process diagrams already in the sales process, so that we get some common pictures of the workflows. Here we can catch misunderstandings early on, so that we don't come up with the wrong solution.

We have therefore also chosen that in Tracelink you should be able to draw up your processes; all users can now draw flowcharts as needed.

The employees' tacit knowledge becomes explicit

It adds value to the company when key workflows are described and outlined in a clear and clear way. It creates transparency and increased understanding between employees. In the collaboration between Tracelink and a new customer, it is a common work tool that ultimately saves time and possibly misunderstandings.

“The process diagram reveals what the customer's needs are. It's a more visual and effective way of aligning expectations at the start."
Pernille Søndertoft Nielsen,
implementation consultant

For Tracelink's implementation consultant, Pernille Søndertoft Nielsen, process diagrams are a natural part of the dialogue with a new customer, where the options for setup in Tracelink must be explained. With the process diagram, Pernille can visualize a setup that can otherwise be difficult to explain to the customer: "The company's employees are often so busy with what they are doing 90% of the time that they forget the last 10%. If I draw the workflow before our dialogue, the customer gains insight into the system's possibilities and limitations. This makes it easier for the customer to choose which direction they want to go in. We mutually know what we can expect from the collaboration."

Process diagrams help the company with, among other things:

  • Digitalisation and streamlining of work tasks
  • Explanation and description of tasks for new employees or teams
  • Planning new tasks and workflows
  • To prevent central knowledge from being with only one, or a few, employees

Diagram example: Creation of orders at a company that runs financial management in e-conomic.

“Design the chart so simply and as irregularly as possible. The recipient does not necessarily have knowledge of specific symbols and rules. The point of a process diagram is to keep it simple and usable for everyone.” Pernille Søndertoft Nielsen.

October 2021

How do you get started?

Using flowcharts does not entail additional costs for the company, but must be activated by Tracelink. While logged into Tracelink, select the menu item Processes under the menu Templates etc. - read more about how to get started.

If activation is desired, contact us at or tel. 7026 1001.